Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
During the 2024-25 school year, Fayette County Public Schools intends to use Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) in place of school closings or delays for severe winter weather. NTI will allow students to continue learning when weather conditions make it unsafe to attend school and to potentially avoid extending the school year to make up for cancellations.
A closure (snow day) means school is closed, and there are no school activities. Snow days will be made up or added to the school year’s calendar. An NTI weather day, however, counts as a school day since students will participate in learning at home. With NTI, there is no need to make up or add a day to the academic calendar.
How will it work?
When severe winter weather is predicted, our schools will send Chromebooks home with students the day before the weather system is forecasted to affect our area in preparation for a potential NTI weather day. In some cases, we might not be able to predict a weather event and might find it necessary to close or delay school.
FCPS will make a final decision by 5 a.m. to determine if we will use an NTI weather day, closing, or delay. You will receive an email, phone call, and text message notifying you of the district’s decision.
On NTI weather days, students will use their Chromebooks to complete classwork virtually from home. Students will log into Google Classroom, where their teachers will have posted assignments. Classes will not participate in live instruction via Zoom, but teachers will hold office hours – times when they are available to meet virtually with students or families who would like additional support.
Clays Mill Office Hours: 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. via Google Meet
Students who are unable to complete their work on an NTI weather day because of power outages or other issues will have three school days after returning to school to complete and submit missed assignments.
Where can I find more information? Is there anything I need to do to prepare?
Look for NTI details on your school’s website. If an NTI weather day is announced, your student’s school will send home schedules and login information. In addition, you can visit FCPS Weather Guidelines for details about the district’s winter weather procedures.
Please be on the lookout for additional instructions from your student’s school.
If you have questions about Google Classroom, student email accounts, Chromebooks, or other tools students will use to access and submit assignments on NTI weather days, resources are available from Tech Support.
You can also call the district's Technology Help Desk on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at (859) 422-5555 for assistance with Chromebooks and student email accounts.
Check the district site for FCPS Weather Guidelines.